Saturday, December 14, 2013


Here's some sketches of a portrait of Edgar Allan Poe I'm doing for a class. He is made up of various creepy objects and scenes from his stories and poems.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Figure Painting

We had the same model 2 weeks in a row. I definitely tried to apply some of the same things I learned from doing the first painting into the second.

Perspective Class

I finally was able to make some corrections to my perspective work from a semester ago. My computer started acting up, so not as much as i'd like to have.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Here was a fun assignment for typography, where we had to create a font out of something physically unconventional. Maybe I'll use these one day in a project. 

The due date for submissions for the sophomore review is in a week or so. I'm rushing now to get things together for that and correcting old assignments that have some problems. But anyways for that, I've gotten a chance to take some pictures from my rendering class.

Here's a couple of those assignments.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Here's the last of everything, just some quick drawings from a mixture class and some model sessions. I really love doing this type of drawing. Might as well just plop everything on the internet.

Some five minute heads
15 minutes:

10 - 20 min.

Some of the figure/portraits from class. Mostly in the order I did them in. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ok, so I'm excited because I finally got a chance to photograph some of the figure work I've been doing in class. I feel like I've made some huge leaps in terms of understanding how to express form with light. I mean I literally went from this.....

(these also got stepped on and mushed around in my car :p)
and this:

To something like this:

And this

woohoo! I feel accomplished. It feels so nice to finally understand something I've been trying to wrap my head around for so long. Can't wait to improve even more :D. I've got plenty of other stuff that I'll make sure to post later. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

One Month Down

School has me busy at the moment, but I'd thought I'd try to get some school work posted. I don't really have any means of documenting anything at the moment, so here's the only two that could fit in my scanner. I'll try to get some more work up if I have a chance. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I'm drawing you eat.

        I work at restaurant in Laguna Beach as a receptionist. My job is basically to pick up phones, so there's a lot of downtime. Best of which, they're totally cool with me reading and (better yet) drawing. I've been forcing myself to get a couple sketches of the costumers every day I'm there. Trying to get down aspects of character down quickly. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Here's a piece I entered to a Riddick fan art contest. I really don't have a chance of winning anything, but I still learned a lot while doing it and I feel just a tad more comfortable using photoshop as a result. I  think I'll try to do more contests in the future, because it really forces you to get out of your comfort zone as an artist. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

eh, here's a doodle I did at work today, that I decided to take a little further with some color. I've been reading A Clash of Kings and I realized that it reminded me of how I see Melisandre. So I ended up just going in that direction. For a priestess of "the lord of light" she sure does alot of her work at night. If yah know what I mean. ba dumdum

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Maybe It's time for an update.....

So anywhoo, it's been a while since I've updated this thing, (mostly because I haven't been able to take photos.) But my mom, the only person who looks at this, has been asking that I post some more stuff.

Here's some paintings I did a couple weeks ago in a random flurry of fandom. They're of a couple of the characters from the TV show, Twin Peaks. I'm not really happy with the scans I took of them, so hopefully I'll be able to take some better photographs in the future.

Agent Cooper, taken from a screenshot of my favorite 3 seconds of the pilot.

Miss Audrey

Laura's annoying and much too normal friend, Donna
Oh yeah and this guy -  the dancing midget. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Master Copy

I've been doing some master copies recently on photoshop just to try and increase my skill. Here's the first one I did after the French painter, GĂ©ricault's, portrait of a madwoman.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fund of Illustration

Here's some of the work I did for my Fundamentals of Illustration class.
This is supposed to be a caricature of Gilbert Gottfried. I'm sure he's probably professional enough not to spit, but if you listen to his voice he certainly sounds like he might. 

This was the "visual jungle" project which we had to base on an already selected time period of music. I chose 1950's rock and roll. Done with an acrylic wash.

In this project we needed to have some kind of surrealistic scale and also base the subject somehow of a poem. This one's based on an E. E. Cummings poem, " I will wade out"

Drawing Human

This was my second try doing a digital painting of any kind for my photoshop class last semester. Definitely something I'm trying to work on in the summer. I thought it would be interesting to show and  a human anatomy drawing class in a an alien art school.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Some Figures from class

So, I was able to take some pictures of some of the figure drawings I did for class this semester. They are all for an anatomy class I took, so they are are mostly shorter poses. I think the longest I spent on any of these was around an hour and a half. 
 I might be able to post some of the even shorter poses from the class later on this month. 

I definitely feel like the class helped me improve, especially in terms of the amount of time I need to get everything I want in there. 
This last was my final for the class. For the most part I completely last minuted it the day before it was due, so I'd definitely would like to spend more time working on the tones and adding in an actual shadow for her to project.