Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I'm drawing you eat.

        I work at restaurant in Laguna Beach as a receptionist. My job is basically to pick up phones, so there's a lot of downtime. Best of which, they're totally cool with me reading and (better yet) drawing. I've been forcing myself to get a couple sketches of the costumers every day I'm there. Trying to get down aspects of character down quickly. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Here's a piece I entered to a Riddick fan art contest. I really don't have a chance of winning anything, but I still learned a lot while doing it and I feel just a tad more comfortable using photoshop as a result. I  think I'll try to do more contests in the future, because it really forces you to get out of your comfort zone as an artist. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

eh, here's a doodle I did at work today, that I decided to take a little further with some color. I've been reading A Clash of Kings and I realized that it reminded me of how I see Melisandre. So I ended up just going in that direction. For a priestess of "the lord of light" she sure does alot of her work at night. If yah know what I mean. ba dumdum

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Maybe It's time for an update.....

So anywhoo, it's been a while since I've updated this thing, (mostly because I haven't been able to take photos.) But my mom, the only person who looks at this, has been asking that I post some more stuff.

Here's some paintings I did a couple weeks ago in a random flurry of fandom. They're of a couple of the characters from the TV show, Twin Peaks. I'm not really happy with the scans I took of them, so hopefully I'll be able to take some better photographs in the future.

Agent Cooper, taken from a screenshot of my favorite 3 seconds of the pilot.

Miss Audrey

Laura's annoying and much too normal friend, Donna
Oh yeah and this guy -  the dancing midget.